Our News AYURVEDIC BEAUTY CARE COURSE Source : Beauty Care Course “Ayurvedic Beauty Care” Course in collaboration with International Academy Of Ayurveda VISIT TO INSTITUTE BY DR. JOSE RUGUE Source : Visit to Institute by Dr. Jose Rugue Dr Jose Rugue from Brazil along with Plastic Surgeon Dr Ana Paula visited Institute of Beauty Health & Ayurveda. VISIT TO INSTITUTE BY MAS VIDAL FROM DANCING SHIVA INSTITUTE, USA Source : Visit to Institute by Mas Vidal from Dancing Shiva Institute, USA Visit to Institute by Mas Vidal from Dancing Shiva Institute, USA INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARD, MALAYSIA AT THE HANDS OF DR. ARUN JAMKAR AND PROF. DR. SUBHASH RANADE Source : International Excellence Award International Excellence Award, Malaysia at the hands of Dr. Arun Jamkar and Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade